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Western Springs Little League Baseball & Softball

General Information

Each year, Western Springs Little League (WSLL) aims to field competitive teams for various post-season
Little League tournaments held in June, July, and possibly August.

12U, 11U, and 10U each have a District team and a Tournament team. The District team competes in a
state-run, double-elimination tournament that could lead to the appropriate age-level Little League World
Series. The Tournament team participates in two to three local tournaments. Some families/players may
choose to be candidates for the Tournament team instead of the District team due to commitments or
other reasons.

9U has two equally divided Tournament teams that compete in two to three local tournaments.

8U has one Tournament team that competes in two to three local tournaments.

District teams typically have 12 players, as set by Little League International. The optimal number for
Tournament teams is 12 players, but roster sizes can range from 12 to 14 players depending on age and

Selection Process

All-Star Player Selection Process for District Teams (10, 11, 12):

1. Nominations: Managers and coaches from each Little League team in A Ball, B Major, and B
Minor will nominate players they believe are among the top 24-26 in their age group. Managers
will submit these nomination sheets to the Player Agent promptly, allowing the Player Agent to
notify nominees and assess their interest and availability.

2. Notification and Availability: Parents of nominated players will receive an email invitation to the
All-Star Showcase and a request to complete an availability form, available on the All-Stars
Availability Forms page of the website. This form is essential for determining player participation
in the All-Star season. Players who are unavailable for one or more tournaments may not be
selected to ensure opportunities for others. Families are urged to be fully transparent about
availability. While availability is a factor in the selection process, it is not the sole criterion. If an
All-Star commits to a team but misses scheduled practices or games without prior notice, they
may be ineligible for All-Star consideration the following season.

3. All-Star Showcase: The All-Star Showcase allows nominated players to demonstrate their skills
in front of coaches for evaluation. Hosted by White Sox trainers, the showcase includes
assessments of fielding, pitching, and batting. Evaluation data will be confidential but accessible
at the All-Star selection meeting. Attendance at the showcase is not mandatory, but strongly

encouraged, as it provides a valuable opportunity for players to highlight their abilities to the
selection committee.

4. Data Gathering: Following the All-Star Showcase, the Player Agent compiles information from
the season, the showcase, and additional coach feedback. This data is presented at the All-Star
meeting. To be eligible for nomination, a player must have participated in at least 75% of their
Little League games, unless prevented by a documented medical issue. Such cases will be
reviewed individually.

5. Selection Meeting Attendance: Team managers attend the All-Star selection meeting for the
age group they managed. A Ball managers attend for 12s and 11s, B Major managers for 10s and
11s if they nominated an 11, and B Minor managers for 9s and 10s if they nominated a 10. Each
team is represented by one person, preferably the manager. If the manager is unavailable, an
assistant coach may attend.

6. Selection Process: Managers within each division select players during a meeting led by the
Player Agent, with the league President and GM of that level in attendance if possible. If the
President is unavailable, the GM will attend in their place. This meeting is scheduled as late in the
year as possible to give managers ample time to evaluate all players. Only managers vote on
player selection. The league President and/or Player Agent do not vote but may intervene if
necessary to add or remove a player from the roster.

The process of selecting players at the meeting is as follows:

a. Availability Discussion: The Player Agent will discuss the availability of any players who will
be out of town in June and July. If a player will be unavailable during the District tournament, they
will be ineligible and not included in the All-Star voting process for the District team. Any other
absence in June or July may negatively affect a player’s chances of being voted onto the team.

b. Manager Presentations: Each manager will have an opportunity to discuss the players they
have nominated, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses and why they should be considered
for the team. After these presentations, managers can discuss the players on the list and ask
questions about any nominee. Voting will commence once discussions are complete.

c. Voting Process: Each manager will write down three names on a card and submit it to the
Player Agent for tallying. The GM and others at the table should not know who voted for whom to
maintain anonymity. The Player Agent will tally the votes, and any player who receives a majority
will be elected to the team. Players who do not receive a majority will return to the pool for the
next round. If two or more players receive the same number of votes, they will be considered
equally ranked.

d. Selection Rounds: This process continues until eight players have been selected. If only two
players are needed to reach eight, managers will write down two names. If only one player is
needed, they will write down one name.

e. Final Selections: After selecting at least eight players, the manager will be chosen (see
below). Then, one name will be written down at a time until the roster is full. In case of a tie,
another vote will be held with only the tied players as options. If a tie occurs again, the league
President will cast the deciding vote.

f. Manager Input: After eight players are selected, the team manager will be chosen. The
manager can then discuss positions and specific players they would like added to the roster for
the final four spots. Managers will vote (anonymously) on the final players, considering the new
manager’s requests. However, managers are not obligated to honor these requests if they believe
other players are more deserving. It is recommended to select two alternates in the same
manner, who will also be the first players elected to the WSLL Tournament All-Star team.

g. Roster Size: Little League International currently expects an All-Star roster of 12 players for
District play. More or less may be on the Tournament teams.

h. Anonymity and Fairness: The goal is to select the best, most deserving players without
influence or pressure from parents. The league President and Player Agent should ensure the
vote remains anonymous, allowing managers to vote based on merit rather than parental

i. Repeating the Process: After finalizing the roster and manager for the District Tournament
team, the process is repeated for the WSLL Tournament All-Star team.

8. The process for selecting managers/coaches is as follows:

a. Initial Discussion: The Player Agent will discuss All-Star managerial duties at the first division
meeting of the year. An email will be sent early in the season to gauge interest from coaches and
managers in the respective division. This list of potential managers will be forwarded to the
league President for vetting.

b. Availability Requirements: All-Star managers are expected to be fully available in June and
July. Potential managers must disclose any unavailability before the vote. If a manager will be
unavailable during the District or sectional tournament dates, they will be ineligible to serve as the
All-Star team manager. Any other absence in June or July may negatively affect their chances of
being voted in.

c. Voting for Managers: At the All-Star meeting, the league President or Player Agent will
announce the candidates for managing the team after the 8th player has been selected.
Approved candidates will be voted on by the division managers in a blind vote. Each candidate
will have an opportunity to speak. The candidate with the most votes is elected. In case of a tie,
another vote will be held with only the tied candidates. If a tie occurs again, the league President
will cast the deciding vote.

d. Selecting Coaching Staff: The newly elected manager will choose their own staff, which is not
limited to division managers. Managers can select other coaches who coached in the division,
subject to approval by the league President.

All-Star Player Selection Process for 8U and 9U Teams:

1. General Guidelines: The selection of players, managers, and coaches should follow the same
guidelines as outlined for the older age groups.

2. 9U Teams: WSLL makes every effort to field two teams at the 9U level. These two teams of
elected players are then divided into two equally competitive teams, as agreed upon by both sets
of managers and coaches. WSLL does not create “A” and “B” teams at the 9U level.

3. 8U Teams: WSLL fielded its first 8U All-Star team in 2023. Currently, WSLL only fields one team
at the 8U level. The selection process is similar to that of the older age groups, beginning with
managers nominating players they believe are among the top 15 at the 8U level. After a tryout
hosted by all 8U coaches, players are voted on by the 8U coaches, following a process similar to
the player and manager selection for the older levels.

Roster Announcements:

1. Notification Email: Before the selection meeting, an email will be sent to the parents of
nominated players, informing them of the date and time for their respective age group meeting.

2. Website Posting: The roster will be available on the WSLL website in the Roster Selections
section on the night of the meeting. Though no time is guaranteed,

Commitment & Schedule

While representing WSLL as an All-Star is a great accomplishment that should be celebrated, it also
involves certain financial and time commitments. Please see the sections below to understand the various
commitments that come with being a WSLL All-Star.

Financial Commitment:

 All-Star fees are $200-$250 per player for all age groups except 8U. The fee for 8U is $200 as
they only play in two tournaments. The final price will be determined once the number of
tournaments is confirmed.

Time Commitment:

 The timing of All-Star games and tournaments varies each year and is not finalized until late in
the season. Families can expect 9U, 10U, 11U, and 12U tournaments to begin the last weekend
in June and extend through the final weekend in July, depending on the team’s success. 8U
tournaments typically begin the last weekend in June and extend through mid-July.

 The District team usually involves more intense competition and therefore requires a more
stringent time commitment, often practicing daily. The Tournament team practices frequently but
not necessarily every day. Practice schedules are at the discretion of each coach.


Please note that All-Star tournament schedules are not set until a few weeks before the tournaments. The
league will update the schedule page as soon as the locations, dates, and times are provided. While the
timing of All-Star games and tournaments varies each year and is not finalized until late in the season,
families can expect 9U, 10U, 11U, and 12U tournaments to begin the last weekend in June and extend
through the final weekend in July, depending on the team’s success. 8U tournaments typically begin the
last weekend in June and extend through mid-July.

Contact Us

Western Springs Little League Baseball & Softball

Website Adminstrator 

Email Us: [email protected]
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